• Bracket system for Samyang AF 135 f1.8 FE telephoto lens


    Got the amazing Samyang AF 135 f1.8 lens and looking for a dedicated bracket ?
    Bracket system for Samyang AF 135 f1.8 FE telephoto lens


    2-rings with lateral M4 nuts + upper dovetail
    for Samyang AF 135 f:1.8 telephoto lens

    Bracket system for Samyang AF 135 f1.8 FE telephoto lens

     Price : 60 €

    Ring's bottom size

    Worldwide shipping : 25 €

      Dovetail for 2-rings Samyang AF 135 F:1.8 bracket

    Bracket system for Samyang AF 135 f1.8 FE telephoto lens

    Dovetail type
    Hole's diameter

    Worldwide shipping : 8 €

    Focuser ring for
    Samyang AF 135 f:1.8

    Bracket system for Samyang AF 135 f1.8 FE telephoto lens

    Price : 25 €

    Worldwide shipping : 8 €



    3D-printed parts are made of black PLA.

    Rings are attached to the dovetail with M4 metal screws.
    The bottom dovetail is removable, you can swap betwen different dovetail types,

    Clamping screw of the finderscoppe's doveail are made of nylon.

    The kit doesn't include the DSLR camera and the Samyang AF 135 f1.8 lens.

    Bracket system for Samyang AF 135 f1.8 FE telephoto lensBracket system for Samyang AF 135 f1.8 FE telephoto lens

    Bracket system for Samyang AF 135 f1.8 FE telephoto lensBracket system for Samyang AF 135 f1.8 FE telephoto lens

    Bracket system for Samyang AF 135 f1.8 FE telephoto lensBracket system for Samyang AF 135 f1.8 FE telephoto lens



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