• M27, 2019-08-25 - One shot, 42 min exposure

    m27,eos1100d,astrodon,inside,huc,heq5,lacerta mgen 2

    Back to M27.

    Here is an unexpected
    42min-long shot.



    Place : Médonville (France, 88)

    Date : 2019-08-25 around 4:00 AM.

    Scope : Intes Alter M603

    Sensor : Canon EOS1100D Astrodon inside + UHC clic filter

    Mount : Sky-Watcher HEQ5

    Exposure parameters : 1600 ISO, 42 min (single shot)

    Autoguiding : Sky-Watcher Evoguide 50 ED + Lacerta MGEN 2

    This picture was an "accident". I planed to take a series of 10 exposures of 10 min each, but I started a "no limit" exposure from my computer (Canon dslr connected to a laptop running EOS Utility). When I came back after 45 min, I realised my mistake.

    Here is the result of this 42 min long exposure...

    M27, 2019-08-25 - One shot, 42 min exposure

    Noise reduction with TopaseDenoise :

    M27, 2019-08-25 - One shot, 42 min exposure

    I plan to take a series of 10 min-long exposures, to compare the result with this single 42 min-long shot.

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